Services & Experiences
I offer services of nuclear technology expertise, safety and licensing expertise, documentation and review incl. SAR, computing of, independent review or support of a wide range of safety analyses, as well as project planning, coordination and management.
I’m a consultant with 25 years of experience from nuclear industry worldwide. I offer services related to Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Civil Nuclear Technology based on a high technical competence and experience. My customers are Licensees, Authoritites, Vendors and Equipment Suppliers.
I’m familiar with the specific international (EU, IAEA) and national (NRC, STUK, SSM, ONR, TUV, et.c) authority regulations for nuclear installations and operations.
My experience covers the whole life-cycle of nuclear installations.
Examples of services
• Plant Projects
New Build, Design, Commissioning, Plant Upgrade, Modernization and Life Extension, Power-Uprate,
Service Operation, Decommissioning
Design and Planning support, Requirements Interpretation, Specification, Tender and Purchase support,
Project support, Coordination , et c.
• Analyses, Investigations, Technical Support
Safety and other Requirements, Operational Transients, Design Basis, Severe Accidents, Deterministic
Safety Analysis, Criticality Analysis, Radionuclide Inventory, Doses, Radiation Levels and Shielding
Assessment, LWR Fuel and Core Expertise, Plant Tests and Verification, et c.
• Licensing Documentation, Instructions, Technical Reports etc.
Technical, Primary and Independent Safety Reviews, Peer Reviews, Incident and Event investigations,
Root Cause Analysis, Risk Analysis, Safety Culture and Quality Management support, Process
Development and Improvement, et c.
• Decommissioning
Decommissioning option studies, Cost estimates, Planning of Decommissioning projects, Licensing
support, Radiation and Chemical Survey planning, Measurement Data Analysis, Free Release, et c.
• Education and Training
Nuclear Technology, Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Fuel and Plant Performance, Decommissioning, et c.
Kraftakademin AB, Education and Training of Professionals within Nuclear Field
• Vendor, Supplier and Authority Contacts
Contacts making, Suppliers Finding and Evaluation, Tender Process Support, et c.
Some of My Experiences
My experiences range the whole lifecycle of nuclear facilities. Additional to engineering and technical specialist work, I have held both general and project management positions at both Studsvik and Westinghouse Sweden (former ABB Atom), and hold an ESI PMI level 1 certification.
Some projects and roles of particular interest for my services are listed, but not limited to, below.
Spent Fuel Encapsulation Plant Systems and Radiation Protection Design
Update of Safety Handbook for Swedish BWR's
Spent Nuclear Fuel Residualt Heat Measurement and Uncertainties
Review of Cooling Analysis for a Spent Fuel Transport Cask
2016 – 2017
Uranium Milling & Nuclear Waste Processing Facility; Final Status Survey, including Effluent Concentration Scan and Measurement campaigns, Data Analysis, Remaining Installations Removal, Building Remediation, Radionuclide Inventory Assessment, Exemption Release Application of unaffected Buildings, and required Authority Reporting.
2015 – 2016
Engineering Company advisory for Nuclear Projects and Requirements, Competence and Skills Enhancement, Resources Integration, Marketing and Sales support, Quality Management System overview
2012 – 2015
Studsvik ALARA Engineering Technical Specialist and Consultant, Consultancy Group General and Project Manager,
Deterministic LOCA Analysis, Plant System and Integral Start-Up Tests and Measurements, Radiation Protection, Radiation Source Term Evaluation, Education and Training, Safety Handbook for Swedish BWR’s.
1994 – 2012
ABB Atom AB, Westinghouse Sweden Electric AB
Fuel Manufacturing Plant Investment Project Manager, BWR Transient Analysis Subject Matter Expert (USA), LWR Fuel Testing Facility Manager, Test Leader LWR Fuel Testing, Safety Analysis and Fuel Supply Technical Project Manager, Principal Engineer BWR Stability, Customer Project Manager, Principal Engineer BWR Fuel Thermal-Hydraulics, Senior Engineer Fuel and Core Engineering, Nuclear Engineer
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